EV Fast Charging BESS

EV Fast Charging Stations are expected to grow exponentially over the foreseeable future to facilitate the expected demand from mass consumer adoption. The grid won't be abe to keep up with peak power demand therefore requiring the use of battergy energy storage to offload demand during peak power periods. Vortex ESS supercapacitor technology is ideally suited for this application due to its fast charge/discharge characteristics, long cycle life (25 + years) and wide operating temperature range.

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EV DC Fast Charging Energy Storage

Level 1 and Level 2 fast charging systems are dependent on a grid supply of AC for their charging.

Level 3 (L3) DC Fast Charging (DCFC) systems are a DC high voltage system and are the fastest Electric Vehicle charging system available today. They can recharge an EV at a rate of 3 to 20 miles of range per minute. Electric vehicle charging is therefore reduced from hours to minutes for a full charge. To accommodate the projected exponential growth of these L3 stations, energy storage will be required.

Vortex ESS supercapacitor batteries compliment Level 3 EV charging technology by providing a very rapid recharge of the energy storage system for DCFC in less than 1 hour (charger dependent).  Vortex ESS supercapacitor batteries deliver an exceptional 100% depth of discharge, thereby further reducing cost of grid energy.

EV Fast Charge BESS

EV Fast Charge application (EVFC) has unique requirements for very high voltage and current to "Zap" or fully charge EV batteries in the shortest possible time.

Vortex ESS supercapacitors offer high Voltage (400VDC, 700VDC, 1000+VDC) in a single rack with capacities ranging from 50KWh to 86KWh. Multiple battery arrays can be provided to meet the energy storage requirements of each site housed in a weatherproof storage container. The wide operating temp range (-20 to +55 deg C) of the supercapacitor batteries make it ideal for outdoor installations and its very fast recharge time (<1 hr) enables multiple vehicle charges per day.

Vortex ESS
 batteries can be 100% discharged which means the DCFC station owner/operator will purchase less energy storage units compared to other BESS technologies.

The Battery Energy Storage Solution (BESS) for the EVFC application comes with Vortex ESS Batteries, its own Power Control System (PCS) and Battery Management System (BMS).

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